Language: german english
Wallstraße 31
46535 Dinslaken - Germany

+49 (0) 2064 . 829 043

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The use of the most up to date means is my goal, to offer my mandates comprehensive consultation and service by flexibility, individuality and as far as possible constant accessibility.

To my mandates belong small and middle-class enterprises, partly with international activity, as well as private mandates from the following mentioned legal areas.

My predominant focus of my activities lies in civil law, the commercial law with all his facets and in particular in the commercial right and civil right in the international sphere. Apart from that I also deal with law regarding fiscal offences.

In addition to the qualification as a professional lawyer for commercial and corporate law I have successfully completed the theoretical part for professional lawyer for tax law. Besides that, I have recently successfully concluded my qualification fiscal defence lawyer (Open University of Hagen).

I look forward to hearing from you!

Andreas Hamel · Lawyer
Wallstraße 31 · 46535 Dinslaken - Germany
Phone +49 2064 / 829 043 · Fax +49 2064 / 456 742 8
In co-operation with
Tax consultant
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